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Jewelry care guide

Although silver is a very noble material, that does not mean that we do not have to take care of our jewelry . We remember that silver, if it is left outdoors, in humid places and/or in direct contact with the sun, tends to darken or take on certain yellowish tones. Similarly, the pH of some people's skin or sweat can be other external factors that can alter the shine and cleanliness of our jewelry. 
Follow our Care Guide to keep your jewelry clean and beautiful as the first day.


1. Avoid contact with cleaning products, chlorine, body lotions, hairspray and perfume.

2. Store your jewelry in an airtight box or bag, in a dry place and out of direct sunlight.  

3. Do not sleep with your jewelry. They can be deformed, damaged or lost.


4. If you go to the beach or pool , please think that your jewelry will be exposed to sun, salt/chlorine, body lotions and sweat. These external agents can be impregnated in your jewel along with the dirt from the environment.


5. If you don't want to take your jewelry off when you go to the beach or pool, chances are it will be cleaned again after grooming. If not, we recommend following our cleaning tips.  

6. If you wear earrings and you submerge yourself in the water, the water can enter the little hole where one places the closure. This can cause water to remain inside and, little by little, the piece begins to look ugly on the outside. We recommend not to immerse parts that cannot be easily dried .

7. If your jewel combines leather (skin) and silver, although the metal can get wet and shine, it is advisable to avoid contact of the leather with water. If it gets wet, it is essential to dry it without exposing it to direct sources of high heat.  


1. If what we want is to restore the shine of the jewel and remove small stains , it is advisable to use a specific cloth for cleaning silver .

2. If we don't have special products and we want our jewel clean right now, we can choose to use white toothpaste and an old toothbrush . This will whiten the piece, and after rinsing it off, you can buff it with a microfiber cloth to restore the shine.  

3. If this is not enough, there are acids that whiten silver. The drawback is that these acids can remove the black trim from the pieces (patina) and also damage the shine of the stones . They must be used with caution. They are ideal for cleaning silver chains or pieces that are very dirty or have darkened. 


  • NEVER rub the piece with kitchen soap or products not indicated for cleaning silver. They can alter its brightness.

  • NEVER use cloths that can scratch silver or stones.

  • If we clean gold plated silver , NEVER use acids or other corrosive products.

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